Discover Obesity

Diabetes, Hypertension, Hyperglycemia, gall bladder diseases, 0steoarthritis and Breast and colon cancers have been shownj in various studies to be positively linked with obesity.

It is of paramount importance to keep our body weigh t within the healthy range. A good way of finding whether you are in the healthy range is to measure your body mass index ( BMI ). It is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared (m2). If your BMI falls within a range of 20 to 24.9 you are inj the healthy range. If it is in the range of 25 to 29.9 you are overweight. Anything above 30 is obese.

You van calculate your BMI as follows:

Weight in kilograms/ ( hypertension)2

A person who is overweight and physically inactive may develop cardiovascular diseases

Gall bladder diseases

High blood pressure ( hypertension)



Certain types of cancer, such as colon and breast cancer.

If your BMI is below 20 , you may be malnourished and develop:

Compromised immune function

Respiratory disease

Digestive disease



Increased risks of falls and fractures

Good Tips

Eat only when you are hungry

Avoid shopping when you are hungry

Always eat just enough to quell your hunger

Stop eating when you are comfortable, not when you are full

Engage in some form of gentle exercise after eating

Avoid eating "rich foods" when you are at parties, there will always be an alternative

when eating takeaways choose a healthy alternative

 Remember: We are what we eat.